2 producten

We – Tao and Felix – know each other our whole lives. Back in the days, we began surfing at Munich’s inglorious downtown river wave – “the Eisbach“.  As surfboards get frequently crashed at the rough stone walls of this urban surf spot, we had the idea to produce our own surfboard repair kit.

In 2011 we rented a garage, ordered all the material and assembled the first hand-crafted kits. We knew, to be successful the most important thing would be to use the best available quality ingredients and to provide the kits at a fair price. Finally, we packed everything in a screw-lid box and named it


Today the production is outsourced to German partners including Caritas – a social factory in which handicapped people get jobs for packaging. We are proud to say that our products are not imported from Asia. BIG DING repair products are available in surf shops all over Europe.

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Taal & Valuta